The Empowered Women's Academy
The step-by-step program for professional women to heal their past, discover their passions and
walk into their next season completely fulfilled.
walk into their next season completely fulfilled.
An Empowered Woman Is A Game Changer:
Working women often feel burned out and exhausted while juggling work-life balance. Sometimes you lose touch with your authentic self, feeling unsure and foggy about life and what lies ahead. If you want more energy to live big and grow the way you were meant to, you’re at the right place. Diana Guintu Speaks will accomplish your personal and professional goals without compromising on who you are! Show up for Yourself The Academy comprises of tried and tested methods to improve your overall quality of life - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Over the course of my 20-year experience as a licensed professional counselor and corporate coach, my methods have proven effective by transforming the lives of hundreds of women. Here are some of my offerings: |
Expert calls:
Sometimes you can’t hash out a situation on your own, and you must accept that you need help. Our expert calls help you reach out to people equipped to handle any situation. |
Live Q&A Session:
I conduct frequent live Q&A sessions that help deal with a plethora of daily issues that professional women face. |
Virtual Events:
I help mobilize virtual support by bringing together women in need by organizing virtual connection events. |
You Deserve More! Whatever your aspirations are, personal or professional, physical, or emotional, I help you stay motivated and not quit on yourself. Owning your 'Empowered Identity' is the only way to heal your past, discover your passions and walk into the life you've always wanted as a successful woman.
You will turn into a stronger, happier, more confident, and productive version of yourself by doing so. And you will finally see and experience what you really deserve - the best! Choose Yourself, Every Single Day Everyone has glorified the image of being the self-sacrificing woman who puts everything else above her. But what if I told you that doing so is counter-productive in every way?
A woman can continue to grow in every direction without neglecting herself and her family. All it takes is to set strong boundaries, achieve emotional stability and mental clarity. And voila, a new woman is born! |
Be THAT Woman
Life is all about unlearning and relearning. And especially with the heavy expectations of society on women, it can seem daunting.
But, it needn’t be so. Break away from your previous fears, and move forward with other like-minded empowered women. Your transformation is in your hands.
But, it needn’t be so. Break away from your previous fears, and move forward with other like-minded empowered women. Your transformation is in your hands.
What You Do Today, MattersDo you want to take your well-being into your own hands? Feeling worthy comes from within, and this Empowered Women's Academy will equip you with the tools to overcome everything that is coming in the way of your happiness and success.